per serve

per bottle 

PAGA or SUL-PAGA     served either hot or cold

1 copper tarsk


KA-LA-NA      served chilled or room temp red wine

1 copper tarsk

3 copper tarsk

KALDA      a hot wine & sweet fruit juices with spice

1 copper tarsk


ALE      served chilled or room temp in tankard or horn

1 copper tarsk


MEAD    usually chilled or room temp in tankard or horn

1 copper tarsk


RENCE BEER   acquired by the Rencers in large gourds

1 copper tarsk

3 copper per gourd

TA-WINE     usually chilled or room temp light wine

2 copper tarsk

6 copper tarsk

BLACK WINE     a hot, aromic brew-first slave or second slave

2 copper tarsk


BAZI TEA      a hot-only specialty serve for the experienced taste

2 copper tarsk


TURIAN WINE   a room temp thick and sweet

2 copper tarsk

6 copper tarsk

TURIAN LIQUEUR    a thicker and sweeter room temp liqueur

3 copper tarsk

10 copper tarsk



SORP stew with suls and onions, or chowdered with added bosk milk for creaminess

1 copper tarsk per bowl

TAMBER GULF OYSTERS   served chilled and raw in opened shell 

2 copper tarsk per hand

WING FISH LIVERS  served with rence crackers or sa-tarna bread

3 copper tarsk per serve

KORT  sliced and served with melted cheese and numeg sprinkled on top

2 copper tarsk per serve

SULLAGE  soup made with suls, tur-pah and kes & an array of other delicious items

1 copper tarsk per bowl

ARCTIC GANT EGG  frozen then peeled and eaten like a fruit

2 copper tarsk each

STUFFED MUSHROOMS  made with seasoned ground tarsk and cheese

1 copper tarsk per hand

FRUIT PLATTER for 1   ramberries, tospit, ta-grapes, verr cheese and more

1 copper tarsk per plate

PARTY PLATTER  a mountain of assorted fruits to fill a large platter to feed many

4 copper tarsk per platter

LARMA  juicy sliced succulent fruit with or without a thick sweet syrup covering

1 copper tarsk per plate


All meals will be served with a Sa-Tarna Bread with bosk butter and/or honey OR Black Bread at request.  

BOSK CHEESE and/or VERR CHEESE also are available for an additional copper tarsk bit  (melted or plain, please specify at time of ordering.)

FRIED SULS WITH OR WITHOUT FRIED ONIONS can be added to your meal for an additional copper tarsk bit


BOSK  generous succulent slices straight from the spit 

1 copper tarsk per serve

TARSK   served sliced from the spit with a treat of crackling upon request

1 copper tarsk per serve

VERR   lean and roasted to perfection 

1 copper tarsk per serve

THASSA FISH   baked or broiled to tenderness with just a touch of bosk butter 

1 copper tarsk per 2 fish

MARSH SHARK  baked pieces of boneless filets of shark steak

1 copper tarsk per serve

VOSK CARP  strong flavored fish can be baked, fried or broiled

1 copper tarsk per fish

VULO  roasted whole on the spit

1 copper tarsk per whole

TUMIT  only on special occasion because of supply, seasonal

3 copper tarsk per serve

TABUK  not always available, just ask  slightly wild flavored and chewy, seasonal

2 copper tarsk per serve

VEGETARIAN  fried suls, kort and katch with a garnish of turian olives

1 copper tarsk per plate


RAMBERRIES or TA-GRAPES  3 footed bowl mounded with a light juicy treat

1 copper tarsk per bowl

FRUIT SALAD  fresh fruits & melons diced into bite size delight with bosk cream atop

1 copper tarsk per bowl

ASSORTED PASTRIES OF THE DAY    always fresh and delicious

1 copper tarsk per serve

TASTA       sweet, sticky and satisfying to the sweet tooth

1 copper tarsk per stick


The prices are rounded to the full coin instead of bits or pieces thereof, and no change will be given if using a coin of higher value. (Note: The use of gold tarns or coins to pay for food or drink valued at a few mere copper tarsks is considered poor taste, and the mark of a non-gorean)

If an item is not on the menu, we don't serve it. If you have a question about something not on the menu, do not accost the tavern slave about it, but instead, inquire with one of the Captains.

Some of the items take quite a long time for the tavern slave to serve (ie. bazi tea, black wine, food preparations, etc.); only request to be served items that you have the time to stay and receive the complete serve of. At times the tavern is very busy and the kajirae don't have the time to spare to serve one that will leave halfway through the serve.


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A Look at the Gorean Shores Menu

by Penny {Kyo}


Let’s review the Gorean Shores Tavern menu , and discuss the merits of a few of the offerings. The primary beverage of any respectable paga tavern is, of course, Pagar-Sa-Tarna, or just plain paga for short. This versatile beverage is truly the drink of Warriors, and its heavy consumption noted for producing a headache that is comparable to having your head torn asunder by tarn talons. The smooth, fermented brew is known for inducing lascivious behavior in already lusty Warriors, and it is suggested that the good silks be left at home while serving it (unless you don’t mind having them ripped from your body).

Another popular beverage is ka-la-na wine, made from the fermented fruit of the ka-la-na tree. Its characteristic deep ruby color is a delight in the goblet, and has the added benefit of stirring the passions of reluctant wenches. This wine is particularly useful to relax a newly collared slut, and can be poured down her throat in tandem with slave wine before dragging her off for her first usage. (note: the tavern does not supply slave wine to any but its own sluts, so lusty Masters are expected to attend to this detail in their own sluts, on their own time, and from their own funds).

For a change of pace, why not try kalda? This delightful drink is a mixture of heated ka-la-na and sweet fruit juices, flavored with heavy spices. The management of Gorean Shores strongly recommends you to try it, since the cost for this diluted wine is the same per serve as a goblet of straight ka-la-na (profit is never a bad thing).

One of the most versatile items on the menu is the sul, a deep yellow starchy root vegetable akin to an earthen potato. This tasty tuber can be sliced, diced, fried, roasted, toasted and boiled. Best of all, in its fermented form of sul paga, this nondescript produce rises in fame as a drink that can not only get you drunk, but can eat through furniture. Careful where you spill this one.

Have you ever been offered a larma? This tart fruit (the one that isn’t the serving wench) may be given in offering as a display of wanton lust. Many Masters have been known to ignore this symbolic gesture out of failure to recognize its significance. Particularly heated sluts may resort to subversive tactics and could offer the fruit between her naked breasts, or perhaps clenched between her thighs. Rarely does this fail to get His attention. When all else fails, heck with subterfuge. Rape Him publicly in the tavern (and invite me to watch).

On a quiet day, a bored Master might order fresh fruit. By the end of the serve, He will have heard every synonym for juicy and succulent that can be wrung from a handy thesaurus, and should feel a certain degree of apprehension over the explosive possibilities of the ripe fruit. To avoid being the recipient of the torrent of juices, a prudent Master will instruct the serving kajira to feed Him, saving the headache of losing His own slut back home to an afternoon of laundering juice stains out of His tunic. An added bonus here would be the sticky serving slave, who will need to be thoroughly cleaned before being released for her next serve. Encourage her to drip in strategically sensitive areas. (sluts are reminded to hide all rep cloths while performing this serve).

Kajira beware the Master who orders meat of any sort in chunk form, then binds your wrists behind you. These are good indications that He intends to play meat toss, and you and your fellow sisters will be pitted against each other in a fierce competition of squirming slave flesh. The wagers run high as slaves leap and slither to secure each succulent morsel for themselves, at times resorting to drastic measures to knock their sisters out of competition (Masters, be sure to secure the kennel trapdoor before initiating the game).

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