The Tavern of Gorean Shores is a Kill/Capture Zone under certain limited circumstances. The Piazza and Forum rooms are No kill No Capture and considered to be safe for both FreeWomen and slaves alike.

The Council of Gorean Shores is the final word on whether a killing is official or not. Official kills will be acknowledged by placing both the name and the ISP of the killed individual on permanent ban from the tavern.








Gorean Shores is to be a kill-zone of Free Persons only in strict accordance with the Rules of Battle.

As it is neither fair nor honorable for the fastest typist and the one with the faster server to win in a "Post First" "3 Post" or a "Race" battle, such a battle will be judged. The Captains and Advisors of Gorean Shores are the only individuals who may judge a battle. Three judges must be present for the battle. The battle will be judged on Realism, Description, Honor (such as Honoring a blow), Form, and Agility. The three judges will then, upon completion of the battle, vote in secret and then publicly announce which participant won the battle. Majority vote wins. If the battle is to the death, the victor will then be granted permission to slay his opponent by the judges. Assassins who leap into the room, thrust knives into their prey and immediately leave will simply be laughed out of the tavern. Their "kill" will not be recognized. If an Assassin wishes to kill someone in Gorean Shores, they must abide by the Battle Rules.

This is Gor. Realistic fighting is expected on Gor. Realistic being the key word here. Leaping through the air for 20 feet, flips, amazing and almost magical agility, and skills with multiple, and improbable, weapons which not even the best trained Warrior would realistically have is neither Gorean nor honorable. Realism is the foremost criteria. There is a fine line between being an "expert swordsman" as everyone on Gor claims to be, and being a braggart. The judges will be very careful to ensure that the line is not crossed.

Battles must be fought hand to hand; no missile weapons are permitted. Combatants should familiarize themselves with the "Weapons of Gor" section in the "Information about Gor" portion of the Web Page. Combatants should also familiarize themselves with the map and description of the tavern, as all battles are to be fought in the sand pit. The challenged party, if he desires, has the right to choose the weapon(s) which may be used in the battle.

The battle will be fought post by post, back and forth, in the sand pit of the tavern. The combatant who was challenged will post first, when the judges tell him to begin, by saying "Fight". Once the challenged party posts his first posts, the challenger may then review the post, draft a response and post next. The first party must wait until a response is posted before transcribing his next post. In other words: A posts first, then waits for B. Once B posts, A may then post again, etc... Thus, computer refresh time is irrelevant. The battle will consist of 5 posts from each, each post consisting of no more than 10 lines of text. What you post, and what you choose to honor from the other's posts, is up to you. But the judges will be carefully examining each post for the criteria list above. None of the 5 posts should have a "kill" or a permanent impairment (such as chopping off an arm). You may cause whatever other injury you wish to your opponent, but if there is a "kill" or permanent impairment it will not be recognized and will count against you. When the 5 posts are complete, the judges will vote in secret and a decision will be publicly announced. 5 posts means 5 posts. Do not waste them whining or protesting. If your opponent posted something that you disagree with, either mention it in your next post along with your next attack or disregard it. Any posts after the first 5 posted once the command to "Fight" is given will be disregarded and counted against the combatant.

Battles need not be to the death. The combatants should declare prior to the battle whether the match is to the death or not. If a battle is not to the death, a victor will still be announced. If a battle is to the death, it is advised that the victor take the vanquished party to the roof of the tavern for the honorable "Death of Blood and the Sea", as the Gorean Shores tavern is located in Port Kar.


Uncollared slaves are subject to neither the protections nor the privileges of a Gorean Shores collar, and may take whatever abuse a Master chooses to inflict upon them, including death. Collared slaves may not be killed without the permission of their Master, but may be temporarily banned if necessary. Nothing herein should be deemed, however, as acceptance of the practice of putative Assassins who leap into and out of taverns in attempts to practice their trade. The killing of a Gorean slave is an extreme measure, and should not be done in haste. The Council will review all killings of uncollared slaves.


The slaves of Gorean Shores are under the protection of the Council of Captains of the tavern. Any attempt to capture/collar or physically punish a slave of Gorean Shores will not be permitted; the penalty for such an attempt shall be temporary banishment, with consideration by the Council of permanent banishment and impalement. Collared slaves of Masters will not be captured/collared and may be punished only to the extent permitted by the Master. Uncollared slaves may be captured at will, provided they willingly submit to the Master.


Free Women may be collared only when they both lose the protection of any guards they might have, and act in a manner inconsistent with their status on Gor. Furthermore, the collaring of a Free Woman will only be official when recognized by a vote of the Council of Captains . See the web page section on Free Women for additional information and advice.


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